
Women Untold: Lawrence Tech Student-Produced Film Celebrates Diversity and Inclusion in STEM

Lawrence Technological University’s Marburger STEM Center recently collaborated with students enrolled in the Media Communications Program to develop a new 30-min student film, Women Untold, which celebrates the important contributions of three women of color in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Introduction to Modeling Instruction: a distance learning course offered by AMTA

AMTA’s Introduction to Modeling Instruction distance learning course will focus on the role of models and modeling in learning as it relates to teaching STEM content in both formal and informal contexts. Participants will review fundamental theories of thinking and learning and examine the latest theoretical trends.

Pivot Interactives—A Resource All Chemistry Teachers Should Know About

As many teachers are preparing for the possibility of teaching online next semester, we are revisiting posts from the ChemEd X archives like this one that might be of help. As a teacher, having the freedom to create or edit something within my instruction based on the needs of my students is incredibly important to me. So, when I found out the activities in Pivot Interactives are completely customizable, I was thrilled. (Originally published 12/14/18)

Review of Element in the Room

The Festival of the Spoken Nerd is a trio of comedians who work in comedy clubs in the UK, using material based on science and math. From the routines and jokes developed for their shows, two of the three members of the group have distilled “The Element in the Room”.

I Hate Cheating

Diane Bunce presented a story titled "I Hate Cheating" during The Mole Storytelling Jam held as part of BCCE 2018. Listen to her podcast.