
ChemEd X articles address topics in chemical education ranging across the entire spectrum of the chemical sciences.

Articles are contributed by the community and are open for comments. Please see our Contribution Guidelines for information about contributing to ChemEd X. To contribute an article, use our contribution form to describe the nature of the article you intend to submit. A ChemEd X editor will respond with further instructions.

by Iain Smellie
Mon, 12/06/2021 - 13:59

Check out this citizen science inspired review of anthocyanin extractions that can be attempted at home

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago
by Deanna Cullen
Sun, 11/07/2021 - 15:52

In this ChemBasics Talk, Nora Walsh offers everything necessary to plan a unit on the topic of chemical bonding and naming including introductory and discovery activities, manipulative activities, practice problems, her favorite online teaching resources and more. Watch the recording and access resources she shared.

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago
by ACCT Admin
Fri, 10/22/2021 - 11:06

Attention High School Chemistry Teachers! Assessing for Change in Chemical Thinking (ACCT) is seeking three facilitators willing to offer high school chemistry teachers a 10 session Assessing for Change in Chemical Thinking Course in SY21-22.

Recent activity: 3 years 2 months ago
by Deanna Cullen
Thu, 10/14/2021 - 16:50

In this ChemBasics Talk, Rachmad Tjachyadi offers everything necessary to plan a unit on the topic of the periodic table and periodic trends including linked NGSS standards, introductory activities and handouts, manipulative activities, practice problems, links to real world context, a lab and an assortment of videos. Watch the recording and access resources he shared.

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago
by ChemEd X
Fri, 10/01/2021 - 08:16

ChemEd X invites practitioners in the chemical education community to share their experiences, knowledge and the resources they use in their classroom and laboratory.

Recent activity: 6 months 1 week ago
by Deanna Cullen
Sat, 09/18/2021 - 18:23

In this ChemBasics Talk, Krystle Moos offers everything necessary to plan a unit on the topic including linked NGSS standards, introductory activities and handouts, manipulative activities, practice problems, links to real world context, a lab and an assortment of videos. Watch the recording and access resources she shared.

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago
by ChemEd X
Sat, 08/21/2021 - 11:03

Krystle Moos will present materials she uses to teach the mole concept. Breakout rooms and discussion will follow the presentation. Register to join us for this hour long Zoom meeting. 

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago
by Rachel Barnard
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 12:30

Helping students develop abstract understanding is a universal goal. This article describes an activity that involves students developing and then solving novel quantitative chemistry problems following a MadLibsTM style framework.

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago
by Dean Campbell
Sun, 06/06/2021 - 11:25

Stacks of LEGO bricks can be used to illustrate the composition and pressures of various planetary atmospheres. Guides for the construction and use of these atmosphere sticks are provided.

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago
by Deanna Cullen
Tue, 06/01/2021 - 13:58

Formative assessment questions provide a useful lens into students' minds regarding what they are thinking about chemistry. By ascertaining what students are thinking, teachers can make decisions regarding what to do with what they learn. The members of ACCT (Assessing for Change in Chemical Thinking) presented a ChemEd X Talk on the topic on May 26th. You can watch the edited recording of this Talk and find more resources here.

Recent activity: 1 year 1 month ago