The Periodic Table & Periodic Trends with Rachmad Tjachyadi

text over computer: The Periodic Table & Periodic Trends with Rachmad Tjachyadi

Learning about the periodic table and how the elements are arranged are both essential to success in chemistry. On October 7th, 2021, Rachmad Tjachyadi shared his unit covering the periodic table and periodic trends in this ChemBasics Talk. You can view a recording of his presentation and access his materials including linked NGSS standards, introductory activities and handouts, manipulative activities, practice problems, and more. This content was shared with the new teacher in mind but experienced teachers will find it helpful as well. 

After the presentation, Rachmad answered questions and the participants shared their own ideas. This collaborative time is what makes a meeting like this much different than a typical webinar. It is a valuable opportunity to connect with other teachers and find new resources. To encourage sharing, this portion of the meeting was not recorded but teachers that attended the ChemBasics Talk have access to notes and links shared. 


Periodic Trends with Rachmad Tjachyadi

ChemEd X ChemBasics Talk Recording: Edited video of Rachmad's ChemBasics Talk - The Periodic Table and Periodic Trends, ChemEd X Vimeo Channel (10/12/2021)


Access to Shared Materials 

ChemBasics Periodic Table presentation Slide Deck 

All Resources shared by Rachmad (these were all shared in the Slide Deck above)

During the presentation, Rachmad recommended a Coulombic Attraction activity he uses that is published in POGIL Activities for High School Chemistry.

If you check out the slide deck or the Resource folder above, you will find a Missing Person activity (aka Periodic People activity). During the discussion, Nora Walsh shared a free virtual version of the Periodic People activity that she found on the SunriseScience blog. Students manipulate the people within a Google Slide to create the table digitally. Nora also recommended the following ChemEd X activity:

Periodic Trends Guided-Inquiry Activity - Ann Baxley

Trends related to placement of elements on the periodic table are often taught using diagrams in a textbook. Students often memorize trends, but to get a true grasp of their meaning and what causes certain patterns is best understood when students create their own models and discuss the patterns with others.

Other ChemEd X content linked to the Periodic Table and Periodic Trends

NGSS Periodicity Lesson - Kristin Drury

In this lesson, students are offered a variety of alternative versions of the periodic table. Students will identify trends that are consistent from one table to the next in order to understand why the tables they are working with and Mendeleev's version are organized in the manner that they are. This lesson was designed to fit the NGSS performance expectation HS-PS 1.1 but can be used for any first year chemistry course or modified at your discretion.

A Virtual Adaptation of a Periodic Table Card Sort and Lab - Chad Husting

This virtual adaptation to a Target Inquiry card sort activity provides students the opportunity to engage in a process similar to the one Mendeleev used as he constructed the original version of the periodic table we still use today.

Periodic Table Battleship - Josh Kenney

Many novice students struggle to see elements' valence electron configuration trends across the rows and columns on the periodic table. There are many diagrams and explanations available as resources for students however, a deeper understanding may be possible when students discover these trends independently through a game called Electron Configuration Battleship.

Connecting Black Panther's Vibranium to the Periodic Table - Sibrina Collins

A 2018 letter published in the Journal of Chemical Education,"Black Panther, Vibranium and the Periodic Table", describes how the movie, Black Panther, provides a unique opportunity for students to think critically about the arrangement of the periodic table. 

Periodic Table Project - Deanna Cullen

Students choose a topic and select items to incorporate into a periodic table of their own design. Students explore trends related to their own topic and relate to the trends on the actual Periodic Table of Elements.

The Chemistry of a Family-Style Dinner - Allison Tarvin

Science is creative; it requires new ideas, new patterns, and new solutions to old problems. A deep understanding of the periodic table is the most critical knowledge in chemistry. This activity will help your students to experience the table and conceptualize its trends in a deeper way.

About Rachmad

Rachmad Tjachyadi teaches high school chemistry in Texas. He has taught all levels, from on-level to AP Chemistry. He has been an AP Chemistry Reader for the past six years and currently serves as a Master Chemistry Teacher for the STARS Chemistry Camp for Teachers at UT Southwestern. He was awarded the Texas Exes Outstanding Teacher Award in 2012.

Join us!

We hope you will watch the schedule and register to attend an upcoming ChemEd X ChemBasics Talk! After the presentation, we have a variety of breakout rooms before coming back together for a follow up discussion. Participants are sent notes and resources from group discussions that aren't shared more publicly. Attendance certificates are sent as well. 

To find the schedule of future ChemEd X ChemBasics Talks as well as more recordings of previous Talks, see ChemEd X Talks, ChemBasics Talks - Schedule and Recordings.



Students who demonstrate understanding can use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.

*More information about all DCI for HS-PS1 can be found at and further resources at


Students who demonstrate understanding can use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.

Assessment Boundary:

Assessment is limited to main group elements. Assessment does not include quantitative understanding of ionization energy beyond relative trends.


Examples of properties that could be predicted from patterns could include reactivity of metals, types of bonds formed, numbers of bonds formed, and reactions with oxygen.