
ChemEd X articles address topics in chemical education ranging across the entire spectrum of the chemical sciences.

Articles are contributed by the community and are open for comments. Please see our Contribution Guidelines for information about contributing to ChemEd X. To contribute an article, use our contribution form to describe the nature of the article you intend to submit. A ChemEd X editor will respond with further instructions.

by Amanda Patrick
Wed, 02/12/2025 - 11:45

General chemistry is often perceived as a gatekeeping course for STEM students, particularly in large-enrollment settings. To enhance student engagement and understanding, this study introduces two "bookend" activities—one at the beginning and one at the end of the semester—designed to connect chemistry concepts with students’ interests and career goals.

The first activity, conducted during the first week, prompts students to explore chemistry subfields and career paths via the American Chemical Society (ACS) website, helping them see chemistry’s relevance to their own aspirations. The second activity, due before the final exam, requires students to analyze a chemistry-related news article, linking course concepts to real-world applications. Both assignments promote active learning, a sense of belonging, and an appreciation for chemistry’s role in various fields.

Implemented in large lecture courses, these activities have been well received, fostering engagement and personal connections to chemistry. This approach offers an adaptable model for integrating real-world relevance into general chemistry curricula, potentially improving student buy-in and academic persistence.

Recent activity: 2 days 20 hours ago
by Deanna Cullen
Sat, 01/11/2025 - 15:44

Exciting changes at ChemEd X! A heartfelt farewell from the outgoing editor and a warm welcome to Erica Posthuma, our new High School Editor. 

Recent activity: 1 month 6 days ago
by Shifra Yonis
Sat, 01/11/2025 - 13:12

Join AP Teach in discussing chemical equilibrium to address common student misconceptions as well as ideas for engaging activities and labs to strengthen student comprehension.

Recent activity: 4 days 14 hours ago
by Shifra Yonis
Sat, 12/14/2024 - 17:25

Check out summaries and video clips from past APTeach sessions you may have missed along with information about upcoming meetings! 

Recent activity: 2 months 4 days ago
by Shifra Yonis
Fri, 12/13/2024 - 21:50

Join APTeach to discuss common misconceptions and student stumbles in Thermodynamics. REGISTER NOW for the December 19th APTeach Session!

Recent activity: 1 month 6 days ago
by Ellen Yezierski
Fri, 12/13/2024 - 21:32

Discover the VisChem Approach to boost conceptual understanding with animations and constructivist strategies. Accepted applicants will attend a one-day, online mini-institute, join a supportive teaching community and gain access to a wealth of resources while earning a stipend. Apply today!

Recent activity: 2 months 4 days ago
by Nora Walsh
Mon, 11/25/2024 - 11:39

This post shares some previously posted resources on ChemEd X to help you plan a comprehensive bonding unit. 

Recent activity: 2 months 2 weeks ago
by Iain Smellie
Tue, 11/19/2024 - 12:26

This study explores anthocyanin bleaching and dyeing using blackberries, inspired by the maraschino cherry production process. The experiments demonstrate accessible anthocyanin chemistry for educational applications and encourage replication with various fruits.

Recent activity: 2 months 3 weeks ago
by Shifra Yonis
Sun, 11/10/2024 - 08:19

Join APTeach to discuss instructional strategies to model net ionic equations and chemical reactions using particulate models, chemical symbols, and observations to support students’ understanding of how chemicals react and interact at the particle level. REGISTER NOW for the November 21st APTeach Session!

Recent activity: 2 months 1 week ago
by Shifra Yonis
Mon, 10/07/2024 - 08:35

In our next AP Teach meeting, join us to discuss Kinetic Molecular Theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann curves, and why gases deviate from ideal predictions. REGISTER NOW for the October 24th APTeach Session!

Recent activity: 3 months 2 weeks ago