Incorporating Climate Change Into Lessons on Metric Prefixes
Learn how current research on climate change can be used in your next lesson on metric prefixes and unit conversions.
Learn how current research on climate change can be used in your next lesson on metric prefixes and unit conversions.
Check out the schedule for upcoming ChemEd X Talks along with recordings of past events.
Chemistry teachers are talking about this fantastic new resource: Teaching Introductory Chemistry by Scott Milam.
With a little chemical investigation, you can figure out how Jet-Puffed's new color changing marshmallows work!
Dean Campbell tries to use at least one demo for every class to illustrate concepts described in his chemistry courses. In this post, he includes short descriptions of the demonstrations and props he has used while teaching his collegiate General Chemistry II courses.
Congratulations on becoming a PAEMST finalist. Now what? After the grueling application process, you realize that you now have to write an addendum. Here are some tidbits to help you navigate this hectic week.
This demonstration lays the foundation for what science is all about: proper experiments, properly carried out, properly interpreted.
The use of multiple representations helps to characterize students' understandings and their misconceptions. Stacey Lowery Bretz shared multiple resources and strategies for using them in her ChemEd X Talk. The recording is available here!
The Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher During COVID Times! - Part 2: In this four part series of articles, Yvonne Clifford seeks to provide readers with some tips and concrete, workable ideas that have helped to fulfill her desire to provide a chemistry programme that is both interesting and rigourous.
Yvonne Clifford shares tips and ideas for making your high school chemistry course both interesting and rigorous.