two-year college

Bookend Activities to Highlight Chemistry as the Central Science

General chemistry is often perceived as a gatekeeping course for STEM students, particularly in large-enrollment settings. To enhance student engagement and understanding, this study introduces two "bookend" activities—one at the beginning and one at the end of the semester—designed to connect chemistry concepts with students’ interests and career goals.

The first activity, conducted during the first week, prompts students to explore chemistry subfields and career paths via the American Chemical Society (ACS) website, helping them see chemistry’s relevance to their own aspirations. The second activity, due before the final exam, requires students to analyze a chemistry-related news article, linking course concepts to real-world applications. Both assignments promote active learning, a sense of belonging, and an appreciation for chemistry’s role in various fields.

Implemented in large lecture courses, these activities have been well received, fostering engagement and personal connections to chemistry. This approach offers an adaptable model for integrating real-world relevance into general chemistry curricula, potentially improving student buy-in and academic persistence.

Printable Signal Flag Periodic Table

Nothing is more iconographic to Chemistry as the Periodic Table, and Signal Flags are colorful and dandy design that are iconographic to the seafaring community. While teaching chemistry at the U.S. Naval Academy, the author used Signal Flags to make the Element Symbols giving a structure that is immediately recognizable, yet somewhat mysterious. Use the supporting information to download the author's version or customize your own!