The 3 hour session includes time for teachers to share their experiences, engage with student work and explore the formative assessment cycle. The session encourages teachers to deepen their understanding of the formative assessment cycle by looking at student work and reviewing videos looking for eliciting moves. Teachers will work collaboratively to notice and interpret student thinking and discuss the similarities and differences between student responses and our interpretations of them. There will be time at the end of the session to modify/revise their formative assessment to make ready to give to students. Time will also be spent introducing the teacher dilemma program component and examining one to discuss possible strategies to address this challenge. A video overview of the teacher dilemmas framework is shown below.
Session objectives:
In Session 4 teachers will:
- Begin to develop an understanding of eliciting teacher moves that uncovers student thinking by reviewing classroom videos
- Review student work from the Pringles Lab to interpret students’ sensemaking and chemical thinking ideas
- Identify and examine dilemmas that arise in teaching as practices change and brainstorm strategies to address the dilemmas.
Participant Agenda:
- Small group: Review videos and look for eliciting moves
- Whole group: Introduce Looking at Student Work (LASW) protocol
- Small Group: Look at student work and chart noticings and interpretations
- Discussion: Similarities and differences
- Activity: Examining a teacher dilemma
- Pairs/Individual: Modify your formative assessment
- Wrap up & Homework
ACCT Program Components focused on in this session
Chemical Thinking Thread: Chemical control
Formative Assessment Enactment Model: Noticing & Interpreting