Publications about the formative assessment practices of chemistry teachers
The formative assessment practices of chemistry teachers are closely linked to their students' achievement. As they deliver formative assessments in their classrooms, teachers may take one one of several personalities according to what they notice and interpret in their students' thinking, and how they act. By describing and characterizing the practices that teachers follow, we can better understand how to incorperate practices that build productively on student ideas to advance their thinking. Relevant publications about these practices are below. Please feel free to email us to request any papers that you are interested in reading if you are not able to obtain them from your library.
Formative assessment personalities
Clinchot, M., Ngai, C., Huie, R., Talanquer, V., Lambertz, J., Banks, G., Weinrich, M., Lewis, R., Pelletier, P., & Sevian, H. (2017). Better formative assessment: Making formative assessment more responsive to student needs. The Science Teacher (March 2017), 69-75. An accompanying video introducing the article can be viewed below:
Characterizing the formative assessment enactment of experienced science teachers
Dini, V., Sevian, H., Caushi, K., & Orduña Picón, R. (2020). Characterizing the formative assessment enactment of experienced science teachers. Science Education, 104 (2), 290-325.
Designing learning to enrich students’ views on the worlds they live in
Sevian, H., & Bulte, A. M. W. (2015). Learning chemistry to enrich students’ views on the world they live in. In I. Eilks & A. Hofstein (Eds.) Relevant chemistry education: From theory to practice, pp. 55-78. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
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