Earth Day 2014

Earth Day

Earth Day is just around the corner. If you are looking for some ideas to highlight environmental issues, the Journal of Chemical Education is offering free access to many articles and activities that you will find interesting. Check them out!

One of the open links takes you to an article called Easy Demonstration of the Marangoni Effect by Prolonged and Directional Motion: “Soap Boat 2.0” by Renney, Brewer, and Mooibroek. Tom Kuntzleman recently posted a video and blog highlighting that activity. After watching his video, I added it to my lesson plans for “Earth Week”. It fits nicely into our chapter on solubility. I also plan to use Spring Shock!: Impact of Spring Snowmelt on Lakes and Streams (JCE Classroom Activity #4) by Halstead. It is timely because we (Western Michigan) are experiencing our spring thaw late this year and the activity will also serve as a nice transition into our chapter on acids. There are many ideas, activities and investigations to choose from on this open access list.


  There would be very little point in my exhausting myself and other conservationist themselves in trying to protect animals and     habitats if we weren't at the same time raising young people to be better stewards.    

-       Dr. Jane Goodall Primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist 
