The Effect of Multiple Assessment Opportunities on Student Achievement in a Large General Chemistry Course

gchem assessment

Presentation title: The Effect of Multiple Assessment Opportunities on Student Achievement in a Large General Chemistry Course
Date: Friday, February 11, 2022
Start: 11:00 Pacific = noon Mountain (+ Arizona) = 1:00pm Central = 2:00pm Eastern
Registration (free): Click here or
Presenter: Jill Robinson, Ph.D., Indiana University
Abstract: Mastery-based grading involves assessing student mastery of a defined set of learning objectives. Students have multiple attempts to demonstrate understanding of an objective and are not penalized for failing on earlier attempts. A mastery grading system was piloted in a small general chemistry course at Indiana University and resulted in a remarkable increase in student achievement. However, it would be too complicated and time consuming to implement a similar grading scheme in a very large class. Instead, multiple assessment opportunities and collaborative, post assessment exercises were used in a large general chemistry course with 700 students. The practical implementation of additional assessments, outcomes of student achievement, and lessons learned will be discussed.

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scott donnelly

Publication Date: 
Friday, February 4, 2022