Professional Development

Travel Grant Opportunities

With COVID creating the need for many virtual conferences over the last year and a half, this upcoming summer may provide the opportunity for teachers to return to face-to-face events. If you are a teacher looking for funding to attend a conference, check out these opportunities offered by the ACS Division of Chemical Education.

Professional Development Opportunity: Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program

The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) is awarded to a select group of K-12 STEM educators from across the US each year. Teachers selected as fellows serve in a federal agency (NSF, NOAA, DOE, NASA, etc.) or on Capitol Hill for a year, sharing their educator voice to shape STEM education policy and programs at the national level. Applications for the 2021 - 2022 are due by November 29, 2020.

Teacher Leadership

Have you heard that TERC, a nonprofit, has launched a STEM Teacher Leadership Network funded by the National Science Foundation? The online community is for  aspiring or current teacher leaders, researchers and administration to improve STEM education, effect policy and discuss the changes to the future of STEM education in a collaborative online collegial network.

Introduction to Modeling Instruction: a distance learning course offered by AMTA

AMTA’s Introduction to Modeling Instruction distance learning course will focus on the role of models and modeling in learning as it relates to teaching STEM content in both formal and informal contexts. Participants will review fundamental theories of thinking and learning and examine the latest theoretical trends.