Effect of Temperature on the Whoosh Bottle
Why does the "Whoosh Bottle" experiment behave differently at different temperatures?
Why does the "Whoosh Bottle" experiment behave differently at different temperatures?
This is the second blog post describing a classroom activity relating seawater chemistry to oceanic shipping. Included are questions that challenge students to apply conclusions drawn from observations to making predictions.
Practice problem answer keys that provide correct and incorrect answers increase student metacognition and lead to more thorough learning.
Did you figure out how to create a multi-colored mixture? Check out the solution to Chemical Mystery #19: Multi-colored Mixture!
Can you use your knowledge of chemistry to figure out what is going on in Chemical Mystery #19?
Check out the solution to Chemical Mystery #18: Peek A Boo Blue!
Helping students develop abstract understanding is a universal goal. This article describes an activity that involves students developing and then solving novel quantitative chemistry problems following a MadLibsTM style framework.
The Golden Drain is a case study developed by Sharma and Wolfgang where students work to uncover a company’s lost revenue due to the error of a new employee.
A lab practical with an escape room story turned out to be a great final exam.
Context-based chemistry aims to make chemistry learning more meaningful for students. With an emphasis on inquiry-based activities, context-based chemistry improves student interest and motivation in chemistry by linking content to real-world situations. Though the idea has been around for over 20 years, researchers are still learning the best strategies for teaching context-based chemistry. Here, we will explore some of the benefits and challenges unearthed up until this point.