As we head back to school it is exciting to think about putting some new ideas into practice this year. As a high school chemistry teacher, my first days back are full of getting to know my students and building a safe, fun (at least sometimes!), positive learning environment. A fabulous way to promote communication in the classroom student-to-student and student-to-teacher is through inquiry learning. Students learn much as they question and explore together with you. ACS is supporting that effort this September at the national meeting in Indianapolis. If you are planning to go, check out the afternoon session entitled, "Engage your students in scientific practices with target Inquiry activities, developed and tested by teachers." These teachers have tried these activities in their own classrooms, received feedback from others who have tried them, and will present them to you so you can use them as well! If you are unable to attend, you can check out the activities at www.gvsu.edu/targetinquiry Let's talk about your thoughts here!
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High School Day
JCE and the Xchange will be there to share resources also! I will be participating in the Target Inquiry session too! I am looking forward to a great day of sharing and generating some excitement for the school year!