The 1970’s were an era of change brought about by increasing international travel, the explosion of televised events, the ability to pick up a phone and call around the globe, and new technologies in areas ranging from health care and food production to mass transportation and housing. The Vietnam War ended, the concept of equality for all was spreading around the world, and vaccines halted pandemics such as smallpox and polio and saved millions from pain, suffering and death. New genres of music including rock and roll, Motown, and disco split generations. President Richard Nixon was removed from the Office of the President of the United because of a scandal. The Cold War between the United States and the USSR dominated various aspects of world politics. In many ways, the decade’s long rise of science and technology was being embraced worldwide during this decade as its benefits impacted the life expectancy and quality of life for many. Back breaking jobs, from shoveling coal to ploughing a field using ox or horses, were being replaced by machines. In August of 1970, American women went on strike, and The National Organization for Women (NOW) was formed. Chemistry and the technologies it impacted played a critical component of these advances in our rapidly forming global society.
Nobel Prize
Here you will find
- Version 1:
Nobel Prize 1971-1980 Puzzle with Word Bank & Clues
- Version 2:
Nobel Prize 1971-1980 Puzzle w/ Clues (no word bank)
- The ANSWER KEY can be found in the Supporting Information. Supporting Information can be viewed when you are logged into your ChemEd X account. Not a member? Register for FREE!
See our other Nobel Prize puzzles on ChemEd X!
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1901 - 1909
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1909 - 1919
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1920 - 1930
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1931 - 1940
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1941 - 1950
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1951 - 1960
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1961 - 1970
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1971 - 1980
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1981 - 1990
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 1991 - 2000
Nobel Laureate Crossword Puzzle 2000 - 2009
The Nobel Prize is awarded every year in six disciplines; Chemistry, Physics, Medicine and Physiology, Literature, Peace, and Economics. Alfred Nobel, active as an inventor and businessperson, left a will in 1895, to acknowledge "those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind." Scientists can typically spend years or even decades developing their projects that can advance humanity. Once the concept or event has been brought into the public’s view, its impact is evaluated. The announcements of the year’s recipients take place in the fall of each year, with a ceremony held in Sweden typically in early December. The award includes a gold medallion, a diploma, and a significant monetary award. Awards are often correlated with popularity, as many Nobel Awards winners have been known to shape our society, from Watson and Cricks double helix structure of DNA and Marie Curie's work with radioactivity, to Jennifer Anne Soudan and Emmanuelle Charpentier work with CRISPR and Carolyn Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and Barry Sharpless (his 2nd Nobel Prize) for their work with click chemistry. We are working on a series of puzzles that will provide some introductory material on every Nobel Prize awarded from 1901 to 2022. In addition, some key concepts in the Nobel Award in medicine and physics with strong links to various areas of chemistry will also be included. These will range from Watson and Cricks model of DNA to the Bohr model of the atom.
Our first educational puzzle submitted to ChemEd X was developed during the pandemic and focused on infectious diseases (see Using an Abbreviation Puzzle as a Method to Familiarize Students with Infectious Diseases)1. It allows players to learn something about over 150 infectious diseases using a strategic method.
Recently we developed a novel puzzle that allows students to think strategically while familiarizing themselves with the elements and their symbols from the periodic table (see Turning Element Abbreviations into a Strategic Exercise). Read this post for more information about the educational benefits of using puzzles.
This series of puzzles can be completed individually or in groups, and it can be used in a classroom setting or given as homework. And don’t forget, there are always a few parents and other family members that might enjoy the activity.
Nobel Prizes 1971 - 1980
3. Dr. Walter Gilbert was one of the 1980 Nobel Prize winners for chemistry. From his Biographical (on "I showed that a single messenger molecule can service many ribosomes at once and that the growing polypeptide chain always remains attached to a transfer RNA molecule. This last discovery illuminated the mechanism of _____ synthesis."
4. Dr. Peter _______won the 1978 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work with energy transfer in biological (i.e. plants/animals) systems.
7. Some of the biggest hit songs of the 1970's were Bohemian Rhapsody by the group Queen; You're The One That I Want by John ______ & Olivia Newton-John (from Grease); What's Going On, by Marvin Gaye; and My Girl, by the group The Temptations.
9. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1972 was awarded to three scientists including Dr. Anfinsen (worked with __________).
10. Some DNA viruses are herpesviruses, smallpox, adenoviruses, and papillomaviruses. _______ was eradicated in the 1970's by a vaccine, but is now of concern because of bioterrorism.
12. _______, is the chemical compound with the empirical formula B2H6. It is a colorless, toxic and has a sweet odor.
14. The 1979 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Dr. Cormack and Dr. Hounsfield for the scientific and technical development of computer assisted ________ or CAT scans.
15. Thermodynamics or thermochemistry is the study of energy movement in a chemical system. Common parameters measured are Gibbs Free energy (G), _______(S) and enthalpy (H).
20. Because of the Watergate scandal, President Richard _______ resigned the Presidency of the United States in 1974. He was replaced by Gerald Ford as President. President Ford pardoned former President ______.
21. RNA viruses include orthomyxoviruses, Ebola, ____ C Virus (HCV), Ebola, SARS, polio, influenza, and measles.
23. Boranes are BxHy compounds (boron hydrides). The compounds contain the element _______ bound to hydrogen.
24. There was an outbreak of Legionnaires disease in 1976. The bacterium Legionella pneumophilacauses the disease. The bacterial infection is transmitted via air, and is ________.
26. CAT or CT scans were introduced in the 1970's. Computerized ______ tomography, uses x-rays in more than one dimension largely for diagnosis applications. Computer technology made the technique possible. X-rays were discovered approximately 75 years earlier.
29. The 1979 Nobel Prize in chemistry was shared by Dr. Herbert Brown and Dr. Georg Wittig. Their work focused on the use of boron (B) and __________ (P) compounds.
30. Cis-plat is a well-known cancer drug that has Pt in the center, and two Cl atoms and two ammonia molecules attached. It is a square-planar geometry. It can have cis and trans _____.
31. The 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics 1971 was focused on ______ and was awarded to Dr. Dennis Gabor.
32. The _____ 4004, the world’s first microprocessor, hit the market in November 1971. It had a CPU clock rate of 750 kHz and a data width of 4 bits and a address width 12 bits (multiplexed)
33. The 1975 Chemistry Prize was awarded to Dr. Prelog for his successful and groundbreaking research involving the stereochemistry of _____ molecules.
35. The 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to three scientists, one of which was Dr. Paul Berg, His work focused on _____ acids. Much of the work focused on DNA.
39. Dr. Cornforth was awarded 1/2 of the chemistry Nobel Prize in 1975 for his research in thestereochemistry of enzyme- ________reactions.
40. Passed in 1980, The _____ National Interest Lands Conservation Act allowed the National Parks System to protect forty-seven million acres.
42. Stevie Wonder, the rock group LED ZEPPLIN and ______ John were three of the top musical acts of the 1970's.
43. Dr. _______ won two Nobel Prizes in chemistry. His first was in 1958 for his work with insulin. He was one of three scientists to win the 1980 Nobel Prize in chemistry. This was focused on accurately measuring base sequences of nucleic acids.
44. The _____ War directly involved North and South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. It started in 1955, and ended in 1975 when Saigon fell. President Richard Nixon signed an agreement to withdraw American troops from ______ on January 27th, 1973.
45. ______nucleic acid (DNA) is a blueprint for the genetic instructions needed for life.
47. The 1977 Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977 went to Dr. Ilya Prigogine "for his contributions to non-equilibrium ____________, particularly the theory of dissipative structures" (from
48. Carbohydrates and proteins fall into classification of macromolecules. The 1974 Nobel Prize inchemistry was awarded to Dr. John Flory for his work with macromolecules or _________.
1. Carbohydrates are an important group of molecules. The group includes sugars, starch, and _______.
2. RNA or ____nucleic acid is one form genetic material for life. One method to classify viruses is DNA or RNA; and ss/single stranded or ds/double stranded.
5. The 1970 Nobel Prize for chemistry was awarded to Dr. Luis Leloir. His research focus on sugar nucleotides and the biosynthesis of __________. At the time of his award he was at Institute for Biochemical Research, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
6. Early in the 1970's the C programming language was released, with an improved version of _____ coming out in 1973.
8. In 1972, the United States Congress passed the Insect, fungicide, and ________ Act. It required that all pesticides sold in the United States had to be registered with the EPA.
11. Dr. Stein and Dr. Moore, 1972 Nobel Prize winners, invented a method to separate the amino acids using column chromatography. The stationary phase was ______ starch.
13. Dr. Lipscomb worked for Dr. Linus ______, while a grad student at Cal Tech. Dr. ______ was awarded two Nobel Prizes, one for Chemistry and one for Peace.
16. ________ a pair of molecules that are mirror images of each other but are not identical. Right and left hands are examples of ______.
17. Dr. Stanford Moore was awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1972 for work with the molecular structures of pancreatic ribonuclease and __________ .
18. _______ amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. In LASER, the "L" stands for?
19. ATP or _______ triphosphate is utilized to store and transport energy in plants and animals. Part of this process involves the flow of electrons and hydrogen ions through cellular membranes.
22. The 1974 Physics Nobel Prize was awarded to Dr. Ryle and Dr. Hewish for their work in radiowave _________. Radio telescopes are very large in order to have a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that provides meaningful results.
25. The 1970's saw technology innovations such as GPS, Apple computer, digital camera, cell phone, _______disk, and email were all introduced.
27. The 1976 Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to Dr. William Lipscomb for his work with _______.
28. Dr. Brown, 1979 Nobel Laureate, developed new ________ compounds, which were created by reacting olefins with diborane. Dr. Brown would joke his initials were H, C, B, which were the elements he worked with in this lab.
34. The ______ Eye, a novel by Toni Morrison, was published in 1970 and was one of the best-selling novels of the 70's. She would go on to win the 1993 Nobel Prize in literature for the story of race relations in the United States.
36. In 1973 the ________ Species Act was implemented. It provided protection and funded studies involving endangered wildlife (plants, fish and animals).
37. The 1972 Nobel Prize in Physiology/ Medicine went to Dr. Edelman and Dr. Porter for the discovery ______ at the molecular level.
38. Dr. Paul Flory made critical and difficult measurements using viscosity, light dispersion, ultra- centrifugation and _______ to understand macromolecules.
39. President Jimmy _____ was President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. He would go on to win the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomatic efforts while President.
41. Holography is a three-dimensional photography application that does not use _______. Often referred to as "lensless photography" (no image focused on film), it utilizes an interference pattern.
46. Dr. Paul _____ was a co-recipient of the 1980 Nobel Prize in chemistry for “for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA” (from
Provide students with blank puzzle and clues. Note there are two versions available. Both versions include clues but the more advanced version does not include a word bank.