The ChemEd X newsletter is sent out monthly to registered users of ChemEd X. Compiled and edited by Deanna Cullen, the ChemEd X newsletter highlights new content and keeps users up to date with the happenings at ChemEd X and around the chemical education community.
The September 2020 Xchange Newsletter
The August 2020 issue of the Xchange newsletter.
The June 2020 issue of the Xchange newsletter.
The May 2020 issue of the Xchange.
The April 2020 Xchange newsletter
The March 2020 issue of the Chemical Education Xchange
The February 2020 issue of the Chemical Education Xchange
The January 2020 issue of the Chemical Education Xchange
The December 2019 Xchange highlights some of the contributions that have been published on ChemEd X over the past month. We hope you will take a moment to check in and see what you may have missed.
The November 2019 Xchange newsletter.