December 2020 Xchange

The December 2020 Xchange highlights some of the contributions that have been published on ChemEd X over the past month. We hope you will take a moment to check in and see what you may have missed. 

We have compiled a list of content, Resources for Teaching Online in 2020, that may be helpful for those teaching online. This list continues to grow. Please let us know if we should add a resource or if there is something you are looking for that we might be able to help with. 


Free AP Chemistry Prep Exams for Teachers

Three FREE AP Chemistry prep exams are available for teachers. The prep exams will be written by a former Chief Reader, former Test Development Committee members, and an experienced reader and APSI leader. They will then be graded for you by AP readers and AP exam writers to ensure that the questions and feedback are aligned with the assessment goals of the AP Chemistry exam. This study is being run by educators and learning scientists at Carnegie Mellon University, Middle Tennessee State University and SUNY Stony Brook University. Sign up today!


What Is the Pressure Inside a Bottle of Soda?

What is the pressure inside a bottle of soda pop? Read this short article to find the surprising answer to this question, and also to learn how you and your students can do an experiment to answer this question for yourselves! 


Editing Videos to Serve as Virtual Labs

Ben Meacham is editing videos using software he had not used until just a few weeks ago. He shares what he has learned about creating these videos for his students that are now virtual. Students can watch the steps of the procedure and collect data from the video so they can complete a post-lab assignment. 


Naming and Formula Writing for Ionic Compounds Virtual Activity

This remote learning activity is a fun way for students to practice name and formula writing. 


Adjusting a Types of Reactions Lab for Virtual

We would all prefer for our students to be physically present conducting the reactions for this and other labs but given the situation this virtual version can be used to supplement the teaching of chemical reactions.


New Tutorial Practice Exams for General and Organic Chem Now Available from the ACS Exams Institute

The ACS Exams Institute is pleased to announce that new tutorial practice exams are now available for General Chemistry, (first term) and Organic Chemistry (full year). The tutorial exams provide feedback to encourage improvement. There are study guides available as well.


A guided group inquiry lesson on coordination compounds and complex ions

Michael Morgan shares a lesson that he has used for many years that not only requires students to explain a topic that they have not been directly taught but also to develop explanations based on previous knowledge. He has used this lesson as a multiday “in-class” assignment and also as an “at-home” independent study. It works well in both scenarios with only minor revision. The lesson is based on Alfred Werner’s work on deducing the structures of coordination compounds.


Density of an Ice Core Activity

The concept of density is investigated regularly in lecture, lab, or both as part of  Introductory (non-science majors) or the majors General Chemistry 1 courses. This post describes a short activity involving ice core density.


Website to Create Virtual Activities - flippity

The flippity website provides teachers and students the ability to take a Google Sheet and turn it into a wide variety of activities.


"It's a Wonderful Chemistry Life"

Spend some time as the semester ends being grateful for the students who are in your classes. Then acknowledge that you are making a difference in their lives. Maybe not all of their lives, but some will be changed forever.



Resources for Teaching Online in 2020

As we continue to make plans to teach during these uncertain times we have been compiling a list of both new and previously published ChemEd X posts and resources that will be useful to readers while teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you have an activity, strategy or idea to share with the community? Is there a resource you would recommend? We welcome contributions. This list will grow, so check in again to see what has been added. 

hand under hanging lightbulb

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