Events at ChemEd X are professional development opportunities for chemical educators.
Events include webinars, workshops, conferences, and meetings of interest to chemical educators. Currently, this is placeholder for event listings.
Meily-Swallow Hall Theatre
7:30-9:00pm, Tuesday, July 23rd
Do you have a unique way that you partner with your students, other faculty, universities, businesses, local high schools, surrounding community, etc. to achieve student success? Are you using innovative approaches inside and/or outside of the classroom? We want you to come share your ideas about what you are doing and your successes! And high school chemistry faculty are welcome and registration for high school chemistry faculty is FREE!
Attention two year college faculty in their first, second, or third year of appointment. Check out an inspiring professional development opportunity whose major focus is the incorporation of evidence-based active learning strategies in your lecture and lab courses. Click on the title for more details.
ChemEd 2019 will take place July 21 through July 25, 2019. ChemEd X will be there! Will you?
A quick shout out about ChemEd 2019 and just a few of the workshops, labs and presentations that are being prepared for the conference!
This two-day workshop is designed to prepare teacher leaders to begin the work of facilitating workshops on how to transition to NYSSLS which is the New York State version of NGSS. The goal of the workshop is to bring together teacher leaders and provide them with multiple ideas and resources to share with other educators in their home schools/regions.
2YC3 Summer Conference June 2019 in Midland, MI
It is the time of year when POGIL workshops are being planned and registration is open. The facilitation teams are awesome and it is a very worthwhile experience, not just about POGIL, but about teaching, learning, and how we think about our students.
The Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR), an NSF Engineering Research Center at Purdue University, is hosting an exciting Research Experience for Teachers (RET) during the summer of 2019.
The American Chemical Society (ACS) will be accepting applications for the 2018-2019 ACS-Hach Professional Development Grant starting October 15. Teachers can request up to $1,500 to fund their professional development needs.