APTeach Zoom - June 2024
REGISTER NOW for the June 20th APTeach Session: Labs for AP Chemistry Content Instruction: A Tool to Boost Engagement and Scores!
REGISTER NOW for the June 20th APTeach Session: Labs for AP Chemistry Content Instruction: A Tool to Boost Engagement and Scores!
Check out this all-expenses paid, remotely delivered, summer 2021 professional development institute for high school chemistry teachers. Apply before March 31, 2021!
Upcoming PD from Illinois Science and Math: This self-paced online professional development opportunity features two inquiry-based chemistry labs that use familiar and easy to find materials, making these activities suitable for in-person or remote learning.
The Center for Teaching and Learning at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy now offers a variety of online professional development opportunities. Among the current selection, there is a chemistry offering titled Gamifying Chemistry.
The 2020-2021 cohort has been cancelled due to COVID 19 pandemic. If you are interested in participating in a future cohort in SY 2021 please reach out to acctproject@umb.edu
Check out an all-expenses paid summer 2020 professional development institute for high school chemistry teachers. Priority application deadline: February 28, 2020. Apply today!
Attention two year college faculty in their first, second, or third year of appointment. Check out an inspiring professional development opportunity whose major focus is the incorporation of evidence-based active learning strategies in your lecture and lab courses. Click on the title for more details.
It is the time of year when POGIL workshops are being planned and registration is open. The facilitation teams are awesome and it is a very worthwhile experience, not just about POGIL, but about teaching, learning, and how we think about our students.
The Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR), an NSF Engineering Research Center at Purdue University, is hosting an exciting Research Experience for Teachers (RET) during the summer of 2019.
Teachers and students will appreciate the generous Science Week options at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando this February. This is an annual event offering professional development, outreach programs and grant money from the proceeds of the Pittcon convention.