
LEGO Stoichiometry Activity

Josh Kenney explains an innovative POGIL-like approach to teaching stoichiometry, integrating LEGO pieces. Addressing student difficulties with stoichiometry's abstract nature, he designed a custom LEGO activity inspired by existing resources, promoting collaboration and enhancing conceptual grasp. This engaging approach primes students for complex stoichiometry challenges.

Stoichiometry with Beads

Teaching and learning the concept of limiting reactants can be challenging. In this activity students manipulate beads to learn about stoichiometry. A virtual drag & drop version is also available. 

Fun with Formula Stoichiometry: “Who poisoned Veronica Merriweather?”

"Who Poisoned Veronica Merriweather?" is a fun application of formula stoichiometry for students who are placed in the role of a CSI lab sleuth helping to interpret chemical data to identify a murderer. Topics covered include formula stoichiometry, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formulas and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.

Solubility, Stoichiometry and Non-stoichiometry

The unspoken word of chemistry: Non-stoichiometric. Stoichiometry and non-stoichiometry are concepts that combine to make a solution that does not have to be difficult to understand.