Classroom Culture

I Hate Cheating

Diane Bunce presented a story titled "I Hate Cheating" during The Mole Storytelling Jam held as part of BCCE 2018. Listen to her podcast.


Where did all the desks go?

When the idea of going deskless popped into my head last spring, it was in response to classroom management and safety issues that had been arising with increased class sizes, the addition of inclusion physical science 9 to my schedule and the adoption of a 1:1 Chromebook program.

Confessions of a Fixed Mindset

Once you get into your teaching routine, there is not a lot of struggle. There are changes and challenges, but rarely do you encounter a situation that completely breaks your confidence or forces you entirely out of your comfort zone. I don’t think I fully appreciated the frustration, pain and inadequacy my students sometimes feel until today.