
Acid-Base Reactions with Carbon Dioxide

In this Activity, students investigate two acid-base reactions. In the first reaction, an aqueous solution of powdered laundry detergent is neutralized with the acid formed by the dissolution of exhaled carbon dioxide. This uses the spice turmeric as an indicator. In the second reaction, vinegar and baking soda produce carbon dioxide gas.

Acid Raindrops Keep Fallin' in My Lake

In this Activity, students simulate acid rain falling on lakes by adding vinegar to bowls of water. Several of the bowls contain solids such as crushed, low-dust chalk, sand, and lime. Students determine whether the solids affect the acidity of each solution over two days by periodically removing samples of each solution for testing with red cabbage indicator.

Anthocyanins: A Colorful Class of Compounds

In this Activity, students extract anthocyanins from flower petals and other plant matter. They observe what happens when vinegar or ammonia are added to the extracts. This Activity could be used as an introduction to the study of plant pigments and the idea that specific substances are responsible for the colors of objects.

How Big Is the Balloon? Stoichiometry Using Baking Soda and Vinegar

In this Activity, students discover the concept of stoichiometry and limiting reactants in two ways: first by adding vinegar to a small quantity of baking soda until bubbles stop, and second by mixing a constant quantity of baking soda with increasing volumes of vinegar and collecting the carbon dioxide produced in balloons. This Activity could be used in an introduction to stoichiometry.

Spring Shock! Impact of Spring Snowmelt on Lakes and Streams

In this Activity, students investigate "spring shock", the flow of acidic water into lakes and streams that occurs during snowmelt in the spring. They freeze vinegar in ice cube trays, and then allow the cubes to melt at room temperature through a funnel. They collect the liquid and monitor its pH. This Activity could be used in units on environmental chemistry and water chemistry.

The Science Mentor: An Adventure in Chemistry Education

In this Activity, students learn about a demonstration and activity that they could use with elementary students. The demonstration uses an effervescent antacid tablet such as Alka Seltzer with water to blow up a balloon. The activity also uses the tablet with water, this time in a film canister.

Chemistree Holiday

My ChemClub students came to my room for a holiday celebration today. We made a batch of sea foam candy, experimented with Elephant Toothpaste, and marbled gift tags.

Ammonia Fountain

When water is squeezed into an inverted flask containing ammonia, the ammonia dissolves in the water and the reduced pressure causes a fountain effect.