JCE Data-Driven Exercises

The ability to analyze data within the context of a model is a vital skill for a scientist, and chemistry makes heavy use of mathematical models. Consequently, students' learning of chemistry is greatly enhanced by activities through which they are presented with real-world data, and guided to analyze the data according to a quantitative model. These activities are even more rewarding when they introduce students to new numerical methods, involve consideration of errors, and ultimately lead them to contemplate the validity of the model.

JCE Data-Driven Exercises is a collection of such ‘data-driven’ chemistry exercises. Assignments are arranged by topical area and include (1) a description of the goals, prerequisites and resources that will be needed to complete the assignment, (2) a brief theoretical description of the phenomena of interest and an explanation (or illustration) of the experiment that generated the experimental data, (3) the raw data, and (4) a suggested protocol of data analysis and questions that should be addressed.

The Data-Driven Exercises collection can be found at LibreTexts - Chemistry site.

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