decision making

Fluorescence Rocks! Exploring Glowing Sodalite

Syenite rocks containing sodalite that fluoresce yellow have been found on Lake Superior beaches in recent years and are of interest to collectors. The fluorescence of this mineral, which can be found in other localities, can be shown in classrooms and studied spectroscopically. Its structure can also be modeled with LEGO bricks, enabling further classroom connections.

Summer of POGIL: Reflections and Teaching Tips

The summer is an ideal time for reflection, a time to process and grow as an educator. This summer I was fortunate enough to attend the POGIL® National Meeting at Washington University in Saint Louis as well as assist as one of the facilitators at the Northeast Regional Meeting at Manhattan College. While there are numerous ways to spend your summer vacation, I wanted to share some reasons why POGIL® draws me in time and again.