high school

From Beakers to Blackboards

This seasoned chemistry teacher is mentoring future educators. From hands-on labs to guest speakers, explore how she cultivates a vibrant learning environment and supports the next generation of chemistry rockstar teachers!

Demonstrating the Glass Transition of Polylactic Acid with a Rattle

Polylactic acid (PLA) exhibits a glass transition from hard and brittle to soft and rubbery when immersed in boiling water. PLA-based structures containing a small metal object can be used as rattles when they are shaken. The sound of the rattles change when they are heated above or cooled below their glass transition, enabling them to be used as demonstrations.

Colour Changes with Caffeine - Part 2

This study outlines the effect on the colour of anthocyanin-containing solutions when mixed with caffeine. Given the diversity of anthocyanin structures available from other vegetables, fruits or flowers, there is great potential for series of open-ended experiments for students in classes or science clubs to investigate.