After Certification - Continuing your Hero’s Journey
There is a new process to renew your National Board certification coming in 2021.
There is a new process to renew your National Board certification coming in 2021.
This is Part 5 of a 5 part series* on National Board Certification in Early Adolescence and Young Adult Science. This post will focus on Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner. It involves identifying an area where your students need to grow and an area where you need to grow professionally.
The author offers her top 25 reasons (in no particular order) NOT to attend a National Conference or Summer Professional Development.
A couple of days ago on Twitter, the ever-lasting debate between lecture and active learning reignited due to some talks at an Educational Research Conference held in Dublin. These talks stated direct guidance (which includes lecture) was superior in terms of student learning due its reduction of students’ cognitive load. The main citation used for this argument was an article by Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark published in 2006. So, let’s dive into what this article says.
Hi everyone! My name is Clarissa Sorensen-Unruh, and I am a new Lead Contributor/Blogger for the Two-Year College component of ChemEd Xchange. I am beyond thrilled, though, to join ChemEd Xchange and learn more about your interests on this platform. I am hoping you, as the audience, will help guide the topics I write about so that we can focus our discussions to interests both you and I share.
The thought of being videotaped while teaching could make me break out in a cold sweat. Will I say the right things? Will I stumble over my words? Will I look awkward? Will my students behave the way I hope they will? Aaaaah! Deep breaths!
The Component 2 Differentiation Portfolio of National Board Certification has many parts and can be overwhelming at first glance. My goal is to share strategies to help break down this component into manageable pieces so you can grow as an educator and score high.
This is Part 2 of a 5-part series on National Board Certification in Chemistry. This post will focus on Component 1 - The Test.
My experience with the National Board Certification process was much like a Hero’s Journey plotline utilized in popular movies like Star Wars. Through my National Board Certification in Chemistry journey, I was able to navigate all the highs and lows to transform into a stronger teacher than I had ever thought possible.
I am already planning for my trip to Illinois in July to attend ChemEd 2019! Let me tell you why I want to attend.