Professional Development Opportunities

ACS Division of Chemical Education International Travel Award

Interested in Chemical Education? Want to attend an international conference? Did you know that the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society (DivCHED) funds a Travel Award each year? The Chemical Education International Travel Award is in support of a division member who presents and fully participates in an international chemical education conference held outside the U.S.

Whiteboarding in a Virtual Classroom with Melissa Hemling

On January 26, 2021, Melissa Hemling presented a ChemEd X Talk about “whiteboarding” in a hybrid or virtual classroom. Students collaborate in small groups on to digitally analyze data, create and modify models, and/or complete practice problems. Melissa shares how she uses the digital whiteboards to gauge student understanding and pinpoint misconceptions like she did pre-COVID. You can watch the edited recording of Melissa's Talk and access the document she shared during the presentation here.

Announcing ChemEd X Talks

The ChemEd X team is pleased to announce ChemEd X Talks! These 30 minute live Zoom events are free, but registration is required. Teachers are asked to keep their video on, ask questions and participate in the discussion by offering their own ideas and experience with the topic. Register for our next ChemEd X Talk or find recordings for past Talks that you may have missed here!

Professional Development Opportunity: Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program

The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) is awarded to a select group of K-12 STEM educators from across the US each year. Teachers selected as fellows serve in a federal agency (NSF, NOAA, DOE, NASA, etc.) or on Capitol Hill for a year, sharing their educator voice to shape STEM education policy and programs at the national level. Applications for the 2021 - 2022 are due by November 29, 2020.