Xperience ChemEd X

(e)Xperience ChemEd X through the ideas and opinions of its community members.

Xperience is where contributed, but not reviewed, ChemEd X resources such as blogs and opinion pieces are found. Here you can find blogs in which our contributors express their personal empiricism and polls in which you the community can provide your opinions.

by Erica Jacobsen
Fri, 09/05/2014 - 13:36

National Chemistry Week this October 19–25 offers a chance to take a trip to the candy shop with the theme "The Sweet Side of Chemistry—Candy." Looking for some tasty chemistry resources? Two upcoming webinars will help you stock up.


Recent activity: 9 months 1 week ago
by Deanna Cullen
Thu, 09/04/2014 - 14:45

Another chemistry demonstration accident has happened. This one was at a museum in Nevada. In preliminary reports, it looks as if several children were injured. One child was held overnight in the hospital.

Recent activity: 9 months 6 days ago
by Emily Bones
Thu, 09/04/2014 - 14:28

On September 2, the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) launched its official website, loaded with lots of resources and member benefits. If you visit teachchemistry.org, you will find many great tools that K–12 teachers of chemistry can use in their classrooms; the new online periodical, Chemistry Solutions; professional development opportunities; and a community for you, in addition to many other benefits.

Recent activity: 9 months 1 week ago
by Lowell Thomson
Sat, 08/30/2014 - 00:26

Deanna Cullen wrote about her decision to move forward with a blended model this year and asked for some suggestions about videos. I've been using videos as a teaching tool in my class for the last six years and wanted to share some thoughts.

Comments: 3
Recent activity: 9 months 1 week ago
by Shelly Belleau
Thu, 08/28/2014 - 18:06

Through a series of three blog posts, I’d like to share my thoughts about these scientific practices and how we might communicate about these practices to middle and high school students. I’d love to hear your thoughts along the way! Let’s start with model building…

Comments: 3
Recent activity: 4 years 4 months ago
by Tom Kuntzleman
Tue, 08/26/2014 - 13:34

I am fascinated by the chemistry of pennies. I have tried several experiments found in the Journal of Chemical Education.

Comments: 12
Recent activity: 9 months 1 week ago
by Dan Meyers
Tue, 08/26/2014 - 11:40

Ahh. My second blog post. It's back to school week for us teachers.

Comments: 1
Recent activity: 9 months 1 week ago
by Dan Meyers
Tue, 08/19/2014 - 09:10

Here it is. My first contributory post to the ChemEdX. My name is Dan Meyers and I am a chemistry teacher in Portage, MI which is south of Kalamazoo. The area is home to many science-related industries including Pfizer, Zoetis, Stryker, MPI Research, and the Southwest Michigan Innovation Center.

Comments: 5
Recent activity: 9 months 1 week ago
by Doug Ragan
Sun, 08/17/2014 - 21:38

Twitter data for #BCCE2014

Comments: 5
Recent activity: 9 months 1 week ago
by Deanna Cullen
Fri, 08/15/2014 - 14:51

I am preparing to teach a "blended" chemistry course this fall and I admit that I am a little nervous. Students will be expected to access some of the course material outside of class. It will be very important that students preview materials and complete assignments.

Comments: 5
Recent activity: 9 months 6 days ago