distance learning

Five Tips for Creating Chemistry Tutorials on YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are 60-second vertical aspect ratio videos that are meant for cell phone viewing. Since they are shorter and easier for students to access than traditional YouTube videos, Josh Kenney has started creating more of them for his blended chemistry class. Check out some of his tips for creating effective chemistry tutorials with YouTube Shorts.

Food Dyes as Acid-Base Indicators

Natural food dyes are being sold online and in stores that can be used as acid-base indicators. These dyes open up a host of possibilities for at-home and in-class. For example, these food dyes can be used as indicators in the quantitative titration of the Mg(OH)2 in milk of magnesia.

Whiteboarding in a Virtual Classroom with Melissa Hemling

On January 26, 2021, Melissa Hemling presented a ChemEd X Talk about “whiteboarding” in a hybrid or virtual classroom. Students collaborate in small groups on classkick.com to digitally analyze data, create and modify models, and/or complete practice problems. Melissa shares how she uses the digital whiteboards to gauge student understanding and pinpoint misconceptions like she did pre-COVID. You can watch the edited recording of Melissa's Talk and access the document she shared during the presentation here.