POGIL activities can be used to engage students in chemistry lessons through the use of student teams, effective models, and tiered questioning. Kristen Drury and Stephanie O'Brien presented in a ChemEd X Talk on April 21, 2021 and provided teachers with guidance on fostering student buy-in, student role formation, and POGIL implementation. Additionally, information was shared on how to assess students' participation in POGIL activities holistically and through individual examination of process skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem solving. Kristen and Stephanie are trained POGIL facilitators. You can watch the edited recording of their Talk below.
ChemEd X Talk Recording: Edited video of Kristen & Stephanie's ChemEd X Talk - ChemEd X Vimeo channel (4/24/2021)
Resource for Assessing Process Skills
During the Talk, the ELIPPS website was recommended as a good source for rubrics that can be used to assess process skills in active learning environments. Instructors only need to request access to obtain these free resources.
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About Kristen & Stephanie

Kristen and Stephanie are both Stony Brook University alumni and New York State Master Teachers. They are both highly involved in the chemical education community and are well respected teachers and presenters. Kristen is a ChemEd X lead contributor and Stephanie is serving as a ChemEd X associate editor. We are fortunate to have them on our team. Check out their blogs (Kristen's blog, Stephanie's blog) and follow them on Twitter (Kristen - @APchemisMe, Stephanie - @IBChemNinja).