Required Safety Training

gooles, mortar/pestle and brown bottle

Is your school district providing OSHA required safety training to teachers and other staff that will be in the science labs in your building? School laboratories can be a dangerous place. Many states require that school districts provide at least initial safety training before working with students in the laboratory. 

Do you know where your district's chemical hygiene plan is? Do you know where to find the OSHA Laboratory standard that outlines the requirements your district has for training staff (there are a few states that do not require this, but some think they should do it anyway)? Did you know that NSTA has published the NSTA Minimum Safety Practices and Regulations for Demonstrations, Experiments and Workshops? Read more about this important information in Kenneth Roy's (8/23/18) NSTA blog post, Chemical Safety Training for Science Teachers.


ChemEd X published an article written by Ken in August of 2017, Safer SCI: Be Protected, about the the risks and liability science teachers face. 

Publication information
Pick Attribution: 

Kenneth Roy is Director of Environmental Health and Safety at Glastonbury Public Schools and NSTA Safety Consultant. 

Publication Date: 
Thursday, August 23, 2018