ACS James Bryant Conant Awards

The national ACS James Bryant Conant award was established in 1965 to encourage and recognize outstanding high school chemistry teachers. Candidates are chosen based upon evidence of high quality teaching, ability to challenge and inspire, extracurricular activities that support their work and pursuit of continued improvement of their role as an educator. There have been a variety of sponsors of the award including Thermo Fisher Scientific. As of 2017, the Journal of Chemical Education and ChemEd X have created a permanent endowment to fund this prestigious award. Find out more about the Conant Award at

Information about recent Conant Award Winners can be found below.


2020  Michael A. Morgan, Bravo Medical Magnet

Check out Michael's ChemEd X blog!

2019  Derrick C. Wood, Conestoga High School

2018  Brian John Kennedy

2017 Laura Slocum, Heathwood Hall Episcopal School, Columbia, South Carolina

Tracing the Steps of the Conant Award published on ChemEd X

2016 Julia Winter, Detroit Country Day, Beverly Hills, Michigan


Cullen, Deanna M., Teacher CEO, Journal of Chemical Education, 2017 94 (4), 403-404

C&EN article*

2015 Jenelle L Ball, Chico Unified School District, Chico, CA 

JCE article, Endowing Inspiration, published ASAP 5/16 & ChemEd X article, C&EN article*

2014 Kathleen A. Kitzmann, Mercy High School, Farmington Hills, MI

JCE article published ASAP 2/15 & ChemEd X article and video

2013 Stephen Radice, Edward R. Murrow High School, Brooklyn, NY  

Interview published at ChemEd X Jan. 2014

2012 Roxie Allen, St. John’s School, Houston, TX   

Reisch, Marc S., James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching, C&EN Volume 90 Issue 5, p. 50, Awards Issue, January 30, 2012.


*Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) publishes an article about the Conant award winner annually in their Award Issue.