The Diamonds of Winter
Take a walk and explore the chemical winter wonderland of snowflakes...and diamonds!
Take a walk and explore the chemical winter wonderland of snowflakes...and diamonds!
What is some of the chemistry involved in the formation of ice clouds when boiling water is thrown into icy air?
It has been claimed that because all water ultimately ends up in the water cycle, we drink water that the dinosaurs peed out. What does chemistry have to say about this assertion?
Placing dry ice in limewater is a great demonstration to accompany discussions on a variety of chemical topics, including the impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms that depend upon the formation of CaCO3.
Can Alkaline Water Change the pH of your body? We use chemistry to put this claim to the test!
Learn a simple way to relate the heat equation (Q = mc∆T ) to climate change.
Have you ever seen the liquid nitrogen cloud? Do you wonder how the cloud forms when hot water is thrown onto liquid nitrogen? This post explores the liquid nitrogen cloud and possible explanations for its formation.
The solution to Chemical Mystery #15: The Leaky Cup is shown here.
Time for a new chemical mystery! Watch the video below and see if you can use your chemical knowledge to figure out how this experiment is done.