
An Open Mic Opportunity at BCCE

A new event is scheduled for BCCE 2018. Holly Walter Kerby and Maria Gallardo-Williams will be master of ceremonies of the premiere of "The Mole," the story event for and by chemical educators. They have designed the event to be similar to The Moth, a nationally recognized program for storytellers. 

March for Science

On April 22, 2017, people all over the world will be coming together to stand up for science. The March for Science is a part of a global movement by scientists, science-enthusiasts, and evidence-based policy makers to celebrate the integral role science plays in all our lives. The March will serve to further several goals, I encourage you to read about them.

High School Chemistry Day in San Francisco 2014

The American Chemical Society will hold its 248th National Meeting in San Francisco, CA on August 10-14, 2014. More than 15000 scientists are expected to attend and over 7000 presentations are slated, comprising symposia that highlight a broad range of scientific advancement. The theme of the Fall meeting is Chemistry & Global Stewardship.