Providing Feedback Remotely with Ariel Serkin

text: Providing Feedback Remotely with Ariel Serkin

Providing students with meaningful feedback greatly enhances their learning and achievement. With the move to online and hybrid formats, teachers have had to scramble to modify their usual process for communicating that feedback. On January 21, 2021, Ariel Serkin presented in a ChemEd X Talk about the process she is using and how she is providing feedback to her students remotely.

ChemEd X Talk Recording: Edited video of Ariel's ChemEd X Talk. ChemEd X Vimeo Channel (1/23/2021)


You will find the Assessment Reflection (Google Document link or PDF) that was shared in the presentation in the Supporting Information at the conclusion of the post (you need to be logged into your ChemEd X account to access). 

To offer comments or ask questions about this Talk, please log into your ChemEd X account.

As Ariel mentioned in her post, Ben Meacham offers a video of using mote for feedback as part of his blog post, Feedback: A Tool to Help Address the Issues of Time and Engagement.

To find the schedule of future ChemEd X Talks as well as more recordings of previous Talks, see the ChemEd X Talks schedule.

About Ariel

photo of Ariel Serkin

Ariel teaches high school chemistry in Massachusetts and was a 2019 finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching for the state. She was also honored as 2020 Teacher of the Year by the American Association of Chemistry Teachers. She is involved with the American Modeling Teachers Association and the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers. She is a co-founder of STEMteachersMassBay and is a champion for social justice. We are lucky to have her as a Lead Contributor for ChemEd X.