JCE Online Rebooted

JCE Online is rebooting as Chemical Education Xchange!

JCE pioneered the publication of peer-reviewed, alternative media (non-print, digital-only) content in a scholarly, academic journal when JCE Software was launched in May 19881. Much of this content is made available through JCE Online. The co-publication partnership between the Division of Chemical Education and ACS Publications that now publishes the Journal of Chemical Education does not extend to the publication of such materials.

To provide continued stewardship of these published materials, we are transforming JCE Online into a modern, interactive site. Initially, our efforts are concentrated on migrating content form the old site to the new platform. Experienced JCE Online users should consult "Where Do I Find My JCE Online Stuff?" to help them find familiar resources.

Our first priority is to migrate our Chemistry Comes Alive! (CCA) content and the JCE Web Software collection of instructional titles, many of which use the video and images from CCA. We are also migrating the some of the Only«at»JCE Online collection. As we migrate these resources, we intend to automatically redirect old links from JCE Online to the link within the new site.

The JCE Digital Library collections are also being migrated. Since the titles in this collection are associated to articles in the Journal, the plan is for these titles to reside with the Journal repository at ACS Publications as supporting information for the articles.

In order to reduce confusion among the users of the Journal of Chemical Education and, more specifically, the search engines that they use, we are rebranding the rebooted JCE Online as JCE Chemical Education Xchange. We hope that you who are seeking Journal content will find a direct route to the Journal site and not be side-tracked here.

The JCE Chemical Education Xchange will offer you the opportunity to participate in several ways. Some content can be rated, commented upon, and linked to other social media sites (e.g. Facebook Like, Google+). If you have an area of interest that you believe our community can use, we invite you to contact us to become a content contributor. The success of JCE Chemical Education Xchange greatly depends upon you and your input. At the same time, JCE staff will ensure that the content you find at JCE Chemical Education Xchange is not offensive and is on topic, accurate, and useful to the community. Although the content you find here may not have undergone as rigorous a review process as in our Journal, you can be assured that it comes from either trusted sources or has been moderated.

While we build out the new JCE Chemical Education Xchange, new account creation will require you to request an account, which is necessary to be able to contribute ratings, comments, or content. You can do so by contacting admin@jce.divched.org. The reply will give you instructions on how to access your account.

We hope that you like the new JCE Chemical Education Xchange!


    1. Lagowski, J. J. Journal of Chemical Education: Software. J. Chem. Educ. 1988 65 (5), 377. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ed065p377