JCE 90.08—August 2013 Issue Highlights

JCE August 2013 Cover

Promoting Interest in and Understanding of Chemistry for 90 Years

The August 2013 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online [http://pubs.acs.org/toc/jceda8/90/8]. This latest issue of JCE plus the content of all past issues, volumes 1 through 90, are available at http://pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc.

Cover: Visual Isotope Effects

Color changes in the vials (at 30, 90, 330, and 930 s, back to front) of Cr(VI) oxidation reactions demonstrate a visually accessible kinetic isotope effect. When students are shown this in-class demonstration or the companion video, they are able to see an isotope effect as evidence for a rate-determining C–H abstraction step in the oxidation process.


In his guest Editorial, Brian P. Coppola discusses The Distinctiveness of Higher Education  and examines the fundamental questions about the goals, needs, and objectives of an education.

Chemistry Education Research: Examining Student Views of Learning

In Effect of Teaching Metacognitive Learning Strategies on Performance in General Chemistry Courses, Elzbieta Cook, Eugene Kennedy, and Saundra Y. McGuire examine how many students experience difficulty because they are focused on memorizing facts and formulas instead of understanding concepts and developing problem-solving skills. In their research, they find that students can be successful if they are taught how to shift their efforts from low-level to higher-order thinking.

Kristina M. Mazzarone and Nathaniel P. Grove look at Understanding Epistemological Development in First- and Second-Year Chemistry Students and find that the beliefs they hold about the very nature of learning are essential to the attitudes, beliefs, and expectations that students bring to their study of chemistry.

Periodic Table

Analysis of the Alternative Conceptions of Preservice Teachers and High School Students Concerning Atomic Size
by Guluzar Eymur, Pinar Çetin, and Ömer Geban

Discovering Periodicity: Hands-On, Minds-On Organization of the Periodic Table by Visualizing the Unseen
by Jodye Selco, Mary Bruno, and Sue Chan

The Periodic Pyramid
by Jennifer N. Hennigan and W. Tandy Grubbs

From Periodic Properties to a Periodic Table Arrangement by Emili Besalú

A Teaching Exercise To Introduce Stable Isotope Fractionation of Metals into Geochemistry Courses by
Dominik J. Weiss, Caroline Harris, Kate Maher, and Thomas

Inquiry-Based Activities with a Consumer Chemistry Focus

The Color-Changing Sports Drink: An Ingestible Demonstration
by Rhonda L. Stoddard and J. Scott McIndoe

Chemical Composition of Sodium Percarbonate: An Inquiry-Based Laboratory Exercise
by Takeshi Wada and Nobuyoshi Koga

Detection of Nitrite in Water Using Minoxidil as a Reagent
by Mario González-Jiménez, Jorge Arenas-Valgañón, Isaac F. Céspedes-Camacho, Juan Carlos García-Prieto, Emilio Calle, and Julio Casado

Organic Chemistry

Learning Games

A Game for the Early and Rapid Assimilation of Organic Nomenclature
by Rayane F. Moreira

Fastest Fingers: A Molecule-Building Game for Teaching Organic Chemistry
by Michael L. Eastwood


Using Essential Oils To Teach Advanced-Level Organic Chemistry Separation Techniques and Spectroscopyby Tina M. Bott and Hayley Wan

Green Carbonyl Condensation Reactions Demonstrating Solvent and Organocatalyst Recyclability
by Jason M. Stacey, Andrew P. Dicks, Aaron A. Goodwin, Brittney M. Rush, and Manisha Nigam

A Mixed-Aldol Condensation Reaction with Unknown Aldehydes and Ketones: Employing Modern Methods To Improve the Learning Process for Second-Year Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Students
by Amy M. Balija and Aileen M. Reynolds

Permaleic Acid: Baeyer–Villiger Oxidation of Cyclododecanone
by Douglass F. Taber and Jack Qiu

Photochemistry Is Back in the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory
by Douglass F. Taber and Craig M. Paquette

Chemical Education Research

Comparing College Students’ Self-Assessment of Knowledge in Organic Chemistry to Their Actual Performanceby Andrew G. Karatjas

Teaching with Technology

Qualitative Assessment of a 3D Simulation Program: Faculty, Students, and Bio-Organic Reaction Animations
by Adalet B. Günersel and Steven A. Fleming

Use of Doceri Software for iPad in Polycom and Resident Instruction Chemistry Classes
by Lee J. Silverberg

Three-Dimensional Atomic Orbital Plots in the Classroom Using Winplot
by Wilfredo Credo Chung

The Molecule Calculator: A Web Application for Fast Quantum Mechanics-Based Estimation of Molecular Properties
by Jan H. Jensen and Jimmy C. Kromann

From the Archives: Demonstrations

Lecture demonstrations have been part of the Journal's history from the beginning. This issue features a demonstration on the cover and others, including a simple demonstration of vapor pressure lowering.  Past issues include many demonstrations, such as:

The Art of the Lecture Demonstration from 1925

Hubert N. Alyea's many columns for Tested Demonstrations, which was started in 1955

A discussion of kinetics and the blue bottle demonstration by J. A. Campbell in 1963, and many variations of this now classic demonstration, including a green version and accompanying classroom activity from 2003

With 90 Years of Issues, There's a Wealth of Resources Available in JCE

You will find all of the articles mentioned above, and many more, in the Journal of Chemical EducationArticles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable) are also available.

The January 2013 issue will be available as a sample issue for the entire year. If you like what you read, subscribe! If you have something to share, write it up!