Chemists Celebrate Earth Day—Our Earth: Handle with Care!
The April 2013 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online []. This latest issue of JCE plus the content of all past issues, volumes 1 through 90, are available at
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Chemists Celebrate Earth Day, an ACS annual event that seeks to bring international focus to environmental causes, such as clean air, water, and energy, to illustrate the positive role chemistry plays in preserving Earth. The 2013 theme—Our Earth: Handle with Care!—features the general topics of water, air, recycling, and plants and soil.Articles on environmental and green chemistry throughout the April issue can help you make the most of this annual celebration.
Learning Chemistry for an Exciting (and Uncertain) Future by Catherine H. Middlecamp
Developing and Implementing an Interdisciplinary Air Pollution Workshop To Reach and Engage Rural High School Students in Science by Alena Kubátová and Daphne E. Pedersen
Green Chemistry
Green Goggles: Designing and Teaching a General Chemistry Course to Nonmajors Using a Green Chemistry Approach by Sarah Prescott
Green Chemistry and Sustainability: An Undergraduate Course for Science and Nonscience Majors by Erin M. Gross
Holistic Metrics for Assessment of the Greenness of Chemical Reactions in the Context of Chemical Education by M. Gabriela T. C. Ribeiro and Adélio A. S. C. Machado
Energy & Fuels
Sustainable Mobility, Future Fuels, and the Periodic Table by Timothy J. Wallington, James E. Anderson, Donald J. Siegel, Michael A. Tamor, Sherry A. Mueller, Sandra L. Winkler, and Ole J. Nielsen
Comparing the Energy Content of Batteries, Fuels, and Materials by Nitash P. Balsara and John Newman
Modeling the Lithium Ion Battery by John Summerfield
Environmental Chemistry Laboratories
The Hazardous-Drums Project: A Multiweek Laboratory Exercise for General Chemistry Involving Environmental, Quality Control, and Cost Evaluation by David Hayes and Bozena Widanski
Toxicity of Nanoparticles to Brine Shrimp: An Introduction to Nanotoxicity and Interdisciplinary Science by Melissa A. Maurer-Jones, Sara A. Love, Sharon Meierhofer, Bryce J. Marquis, Zhen Liu, and Christy L. Haynes
Utilizing Polymer-Coated Vials To Illustrate the Fugacity and Bioavailability of Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in Contaminated Soils by Natasha A. Andrade, Laura L. McConnell, Alba Torrents, and Cathleen J. Hapeman
Liquid–Liquid Extraction of Insecticides from Juice: An Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Experiment by Samantha A. Radford, Ronald E. Hunter, Jr., Dana Boyd Barr, and P. Barry Ryan
Determination of Mercury in Fish: A Low-Cost Implementation of Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorbance for the Undergraduate Environmental Chemistry Laboratory by Brian K. Niece and James F. Hauri
Determining the Effect of Environmental Conditions on Iron Corrosion by Atomic Absorption by Esteban Malel and Deborah E. Shalev
A Laboratory Experiment To Measure Henry’s Law Constants of Volatile Organic Compounds with a Bubble Column and a Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) by Shan-Hu Lee, Souptik Mukherjee, Brittany Brewer, Raphael Ryan, Huan Yu, and Mahinda Gangoda
ConfChem: Green and Sustainable Chemistry
ConfChem online conferences are free, open to the public, and run by the ACS DivCHED Committee on Computers in Chemical Education (CCCE; The spring 2010 ConfChem conference discussed Green and Sustainable Chemistry and eight communications in this issue showcase a variety of case-based learning initiatives in chemical education that have been developed through the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS).
Commentaries on Undergraduate Education
Revision of the ACS Guidelines for Bachelor’s Degree Programs by Anne B. McCoy and Ron W. Darbeau
Developing and Implementing a Collaborative Teaching Innovation in Introductory Chemistry from the Perspective of an Undergraduate Student by Kristina Klara, Ning Hou, Allison Lawman, and Li-Qiong Wang
Chemical Education Research on POGIL
Implementing Process-Oriented, Guided-Inquiry Learning for the First Time: Adaptations and Short-Term Impacts on Students’ Attitude and Performance by Anthony Chase, Deblina Pakhira, and Marilyne Stains
From the Archives:
To further celebrate Earth Day 2013— Our Earth: Handle with Care—you can enjoy access to a collection of previously published articles, hands-on experiments, and demonstrations from the Journal of Chemical Education on the topics of water, air, plants & soil, and recycling available at
Author Resources
Thinking of submitting to the Journal of Chemical Education? There are numerous author resources available on JCE’s ACS Web site, including:
But Wait…There’s More!
You will find all of the articles mentioned above, and many more, in the Journal of Chemical Education []. Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable) are also available. The January 2013 issue will be available as a sample issue for the entire year; if you like what you read, consider a subscription.