“The Many Faces of Chemistry”1 was the theme of National Chemistry Week in 2007. Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) staff, including precollege editors Erica Jacobsen and Laura Slocum, invited a diverse group of 13 professionals 2-14 working in chemistry related fields to write about their background, experience and advice they had for those interested in a similar career path.
Figure 1 – Three of the authors from the Faces of Chemistry Profiles 2007. 1
Those 13 articles from 2007, provided chemistry instructors a resource to help students glimpse the variety of chemistry related fields open to them. ChemEd X is following up on the 2007 project to provide teachers and students with profiles that reflect not only the growing diversity of chemistry related careers, but also the increasing diversity of people working in those positions. We hope that every student will be able to see a face that looks similar to who they see in their own mirror every day.
Figure 2 – Questions provided to the authors.
We will use the same questions that JCE staff compiled for the 2007 project, but our platform will allow the authors flexibility in their presentation. Authors may choose to format their profile like those from JCE, but some may choose to create a slideshow, video or podcast instead. This is an ongoing project intended to help teachers and their students understand the wide variety of career paths available in the field of chemistry. If you know a professional in a chemistry related field that would be interested in authoring their own career profile or if you have a specific career you would like us to highlight, please reach out to us using our contact form.
ChemEd X - Faces of Chemistry 2019
Kong, Jason, Career Profile: Chemical Laboratory Supervisor, Jason Kong (accessed 12/22/18).
Noel, Dr. Nakita K., Career Profile: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Dr. Nakita K. Noel (accessed 1/15/19).
Allerton, Charlotte, Career Profile: Head of Medicine Design – Charlotte Allerton (accessed 6/21/19).
Eaton, Dr. Sam, Career Profile: Chemist & Technical Staff for Sandia National Laboratories - Dr. Sam Eaton (accessed 8/6/19).
Interested in even more information about chemistry related careers? The American Chemical Society offers a wealth of information related to chemistry careers on their website. You can find career profiles, a video series about what chemists do, advice on how students can make a plan toward a career in chemistry and more.
Journal of Chemical Education - The Many Faces of Chemistry 2007
1 – Thirteen Career Profiles, JCE staff, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007, 84 (10), 1562 - https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1562 (accessed 8/18/18)
2 -Dudareva, Natalia, Career Profile: Biochemist and Plant Molecular Biologist,Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10) 1564 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1564 (accessed 8/18/18)
3 - Ehrlich, Alan, Career Profile: Patent Attorney, Journal of Chemical Education,2007 84 (10) 1583 - https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1583 (accessed 8/18/18)
4 - Hanna, Raven, Career Profile: Molecular Biophysicist Turned Jewelry Designer,Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10) 1581 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1581 (accessed 8/18/18)
5 - Jemison, Mae, Career Profile: Biomedical Engineer, Journal of Chemical Education,2007 84 (10) 1569 - https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1569 (accessed 8/18/18)
6 - Kauns, J. Douglas, Career Profile: FBI Special Agent, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10) 1575 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1575 (accessed 8/18/18)
7 - Maynard, Jim, Career Profile: Lecture Demonstrator, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10) 1578 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1578 (accessed 8/18/18)
8 - Parker, David, Career Profile: Fire Department Hazardous Materials Administrator, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10) 1576 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1576 (accessed 8/18/18)
9 - Rodriguez, Eloy, Career Profile: Natural Products Chemist, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10) 1582 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1582 (accessed 8/18/18)
10 - Sweetman, Amy, Career Profile: Biological Psychologist and Artist, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10) 1567 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1567 (accessed 8/18/18)
11 - Wollowitz, Sue, Career Profile: Pharmaceutical Chemist, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10), 1585 - https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1585(accessed 8/18/18)
12 - Wood-Black, Frankie, Wright, Stephen, Career Profile: Environmental Chemist,Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10), p 1574 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1574 (accessed 8/18/18)
13 - Wright, Stephen, Career Profile: Medicinal Chemist, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007 84 (10), p 1579 -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1579 (accessed 8/18/18)
14 - Young, Jay A., Career Profile: Safety Consultant, Journal of Chemical Education,2007 84 (10), p 1572 - https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed084p1572(accessed 8/18/18)