Creating a Classroom Culture - Call for Contributions

student centered learning

This Call for Contributions has closed. As many school districts are moving toward incorporating student-centered curriculum and pedagogy, many teachers have found that it can be difficult to initiate a classroom culture that encourages students to embrace the change which calls for them to engage in discussions and take more responsibility for their own learning. Chemical Education Xchange (ChemEd X) is interested in learning about how teachers are creating a culture of student-centered learning in their classrooms. For this reason, we are initiating our content specific CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS centered on the concept of “Creating a Classroom Culture”.

Some examples of previous ChemEd X posts that fit the topic are linked here:

Build a Boat and a Classroom Culture

Erica Adams-Posthuma

build a boat

Build a Boat Collaboration

Kristen Gregory

build a boat collaboration

Establishing a Class Motto

Linda Ford

establishing a class motto

My First Day Demonstration

Michael Morgan

my first day demo


Some examples of items that you might contribute:

  • Have you used a resource that you would like to recommend to help others create productive classroom culture? You might contribute a PICK review type manuscript. This manuscript type is generally one or two paragraphs in length.
  • Share your experience of creating your own classroom culture within a blog post. Blog posts range between one and 10 paragraphs, are the least formal of ChemEd X manuscript types and are not peer reviewed.
  • Share a project/lab/activity that you use to engage your students in an activity that helps promote a productive culture. It is recommended that the author include a student and teacher document. This manuscript type will be peer reviewed.
  • You may want compile your own thoughts about creating a classroom culture including references to support those ideas in an ARTICLE. Articles are at least three paragraphs in length and are peer reviewed.

Please review the ChemEd X Contribution guidelines. We have provided a template that will help you organize your manuscript.

You can upload your submission using the Contribution page.

All submitted contributions are subject to peer review and acceptance by ChemEd X Editorial Staff.

Accepting contributions through August 20, 2017.