
CURE Pedagogical Workshop at Arizona State University

Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) are being developed and implemented at university and college campuses across the nation in STEM disciplines.  Turning your course/labs into research based can be a daunting task when you don't know where/when to start.  STEM faculty from Arizona State Unversity are hosting a free workshop at the end of May to disseminate their findings on their CURE programs.

Taking a Deeper Dive with Paul Andersen

This two-day workshop is designed to prepare teacher leaders to begin the work of facilitating workshops on how to transition to NYSSLS which is the New York State version of NGSS. The goal of the workshop is to bring together teacher leaders and provide them with multiple ideas and resources to share with other educators in their home schools/regions.

Attend a POGIL Workshop this Summer

It is the time of year when POGIL workshops are being planned and registration is open. The facilitation teams are awesome and it is a very worthwhile experience, not just about POGIL, but about teaching, learning, and how we think about our students.

Get Your POGIL on This Summer

If you have never attended an official Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) training, you may consider doing so this summer. Many educators mention they have used POGIL activities. The POGIL pedagogy is not simply students completing worksheets. It requires training to implement it in order to achieve the desired effects of developing students process skills along with providing the opportunity for students to self discover content through collaborative roles.

AMTA Offers Distance Learning Opportunity

AMTA will be hosting a distance learning Chemistry 2 course that will run from January 19th -April 27 (15 weeks), with an open house to prepare with technology on January 12th. It will be led by expert chemistry modeling leaders Larry Dukerich and Brenda Royce. The course develops on an evidence-based approach to the internal structure of the atom, periodicity and covalent bonding, intermolecular forces, equilibrium and acids and bases.