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Conceptual Questions (CQs): Introduction to Conceptual Questions
The use of conceptual questions is one tool that can assist students in obtaining a deeper learning experience, improve their understanding and ability to apply learning to new situations, enhance their critical thinking, and increase their enthusiasm for science and learning. In addition, conceptual questions extend assessment beyond "What does a student remember?" and "What can a student do?" to "What does a student understand?" Conceptual questions also provide one route for diagnosing student misconceptions.

This site provides examples of conceptual questions, an introduction to several different types of conceptual questions, and a discussion of what constitutes a conceptual question. The following links (and the corresponding ones in the menu to the right) provide the details.

* A discussion of conceptual questions
* Types of conceptual questions
* An introduction to writing conceptual questions
* A library of conceptual questions
* Other sources of conceptual questions
* A multiple choice misconceptions inventory

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