Events at ChemEd X are professional development opportunities for chemical educators.
Events include webinars, workshops, conferences, and meetings of interest to chemical educators. Currently, this is placeholder for event listings.
Four TownHall Conference Calls per year are scheduled for leaders in the STEM community.
First time attendees and presenters can apply for a scholarship to attend ChemEd 2015. The scholarship program will cover the registration fee for more than 12 first-time ChemEd attendees and more than 12 first-time speakers/presenters. Travel and lodging are not covered under this scholarship program.
The Abstract Submission System for ChemEd 2015 is now open!
The American Chemical Society hosts a day just for high school chemistry teachers at the national meetings. The next High School Day is planned for Sunday, March 22, 2015 at the Sheraton Hotel in Denver, CO.
Do you have an idea for supporting teaching and learning of chemistry in your high school classroom? You are encouraged to submit a grant that could be worth $1500 to support your idea.
Apply to participate with a group of outstanding educators at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the Science and Engineering Program for Teachers (SEPT). During the week-long summer professional development program, teachers are immersed in the unique learning environment at MIT. Participants attend daily sessions on leading-edge research, try out the latest technologies developed at MIT, and collaborate with a community of passionate educators.
The Rural Trust's Global Teacher Fellowship program will be awarding up to 25 in 2015 to support the professional and personal development of rural teachers.
Plan ahead to attend the 2015 Chem Ed conference to be held at Kennesaw State University in Georgia.
BCCE 2014 will be held at Grand Valley State University in Western Michigan.
The American Chemical Society will hold its 248th National Meeting in San Francisco, CA on August 10-14, 2014. More than 15000 scientists are expected to attend and over 7000 presentations are slated, comprising symposia that highlight a broad range of scientific advancement. The theme of the Fall meeting is Chemistry & Global Stewardship.